my limit

Wanderin' Free

We have our whole life searching for answers. It is the question that drives us here. We didn’t even know if this would be the last or we have barely begun our journey. I want to live. I want to do things that I want to do and I want to please people as well. Things should be in balance. And I want to keep that balance. I wanna mess up so that people would hate me and I wanna please ‘em so I could hurt myself. Well, I am just a soul trapped in a girl’s body that loves to wander free in life.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

where's my focus

There’s a lot of going on lately around our country and I haven’t been flipping the news channel since birth. LoL! I just found out that there was a bombing happened in G2 in Makati. Geesh! Oh well, am glad am ok. LoL.

Anyway I should be blogging something more about myself. Things that have been happening to me lately I mean. Ok so here goes, I wasn’t able to enjoy my week because I had flu. That didn’t bother me that much. I was just sleeping all day then and watch TV.

I can’t wait for the school day to come. Our school starts at November 5th and its fast approaching. I want to have a good start in school. Speaking about school, there will be a lot of changes this coming semester. The FHARO President is at Cebu for his on the job training so he asked me to take over him coz I am the vice president and as usual, I refuse the offer. I just thought that I am good being the vice president of the organization. I don’t like that much of a responsibility and besides I know myself. Its not that am turning back from it, I just know that I couldn’t do it and I don’t want to handle such things, rather bigger things like that.

The sport editor in Tingog is planning to resign and the ed-board has forecasted to put me in the position. Again, I want to refuse. There are things that are most important to me than being in a position like that. Oh well. Why do I hate accepting responsibility anyway?

From my own self assessment, I am not ready to take responsibilities yet. Not now. I have gone through shit and I want to grow from it. And as of now, am waiting for that moment. And if it would finally come to me, then I’ll take all the responsibilities I could.

I should be having my OJT this coming summer but I think I flunk my major subjects last term so I think I’ll be retaking those subjects again next year. No big deal, I don’t want to have my OJT this summer coz I want to enjoy my summer with Jose and all my family and friends. I have decided to take my local OJT next year on the 2nd term. And by the way, I want to pass the US OJT and I should be taking that OJT by next year. *finger crossed* like I said I want to have a good start this coming term. Oh well, nothing could break my focus. I am blessed with a good boyfriend, best friend, friends and family. So am on it!!!!

tababoy rocks!! @ 5:05 PM



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